Flavoured Coffee - Caramel Fudge

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Flavoured Coffee - Caramel Fudge

In the mood for something different? Try our flavoured coffee range, based on our medium roast 100% Arabica Faith Blend. The flavours are infused into the beans and does not add any sweetness / sugars to the coffee...only the flavour and aroma...mmm. The caramel fudge coffee therefore still taste like a good cuppa, with a hint of caramel fudge in the aftertaste and smell.

Guide to grinding

Where grinding your own beans will always produce the freshest results, we can also supply the beans in ground from:

  • Coarse – For use in plunger, French press, drip overs, etc.
  • Medium – For use in Aeropress, Siphon brewers, Coffee percolators
  • Espresso – Very fine, suitable for high pressure Espresso machines (working with a group set handle)